On 5/21/14 7:08 PM, Clifford Snow wrote:
> As I work to fix road names in Skagit and Whatcom County I want to
> make sure that they won't appear on Battlegrid. For example, I just
> changed North Summit Court to Kinglet Court in Whatcom County. I
> verified the name which does not match TIGER 2013.  Does removing the
> tiger:reviewed tag keep the way off Battlegrid? I'd hate to see it
> renamed to match TIGER since it is wrong.
> I fear that changing from tiger:reviewed=no to yes or deleting the tag
> won't keep it off Battlegrid.
you should probably delete the tiger: tags containing the incorrect
name as well. once a road has been verified, they contain no useful
information from the OSM point of view.


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