Awww: mapnik recently stopped rendering leisure=nature_reserve! As I have tagged many, many natural preserves and wilderness boundaries, I will REALLY miss seeing the little green "NR" text on areas with this very high level of protection. Can we bring this back? Please? Was it just an oversight / mistake?

I know, I know: a rendering is not "the map" as the tags are still there. Nonetheless, beautiful renderings that included NR where it exists simply don't visually convey fully accurate information any longer. Is that what our map is becoming? Mapnik is known as our "Standard" renderer, our "trade dress" if you will. While I fully support it becoming better, I (and I suspect many others) must say something when I see it becoming stupider. Truly, I hope this was just an honest mistake and somebody takes this as (a slightly impolite) bug report.

Does stuff like this just happen (sneakily) in the middle of the night? No discussion? No wider consensus?

Who DO we talk to about changes/improvements in the mapnik renderer style sheet (changes)? Will they even listen?

Thanks to anybody who might answer this shout into the (mapnik renderer) wilderness,


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