It's not too early to start thinking about this summer's (July?) editathon
and I'd like to propose we turn this one be a family/youth-oriented event
and give it a theme: OpenStreetMap Summer Camp. The idea is simply to
conduct the editathons much like we have in the past, but make a concerted
effort to get parents to bring their kids or get kids to come on their own
to get more middle- and high-school kids started with OpenStreetMap.

I'm willing to serve as a mentor/organizer for a DC-based event, but it
would be great if we could maximize the impact by getting this going
nationwide. The basic format of the editathon would stay the same, but it
might require a little extra legwork locally to reach our target audience.
I haven't worked through those details yet, but want to put it out to the
community for discussion.

-- SEJ
-- twitter: @geomantic
-- skype: sejohnson8

There are two types of people in the world. Those that can extrapolate from
incomplete data.
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