On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Jason Remillard
<remillard.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Playing around with scout, I have discovered that it will not route
> over tracks, cycleways, and paths unless you are in pedestrian mode.
> It ignores access=destination, and the surface tag.

Scout does not route cars over cycleways and paths for reasons that I
think should be obvious. Tracks are not excluded but have a high cost
(low assigned speed) so they will not typically get routed across if
there's a more convenient option available.

We do take into account surface= and use it to adjust edge weight.

Not entirely sure about access=destination, will need to check!

Like I said, I am compiling information to put on the OSM wiki on how
we use tags / elements for Scout. Where should it go? As a subpage of
the 'tags used for routing' page mentioned elsewhere?

Martijn van Exel
OSM data specialist

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