What a great job!  Not only that but there are concrete examples of how all
the cycle network tags are used.  I was aware that these routes existed
based on my friend's kids trek across the country.[1]  I didn't realize how
extensive the routes were.



On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 11:09 AM, stevea <stevea...@softworkers.com> wrote:

> The East Coast Greenway, a quasi-national bicycle route from Key West,
> Florida to St. Stephen, New Brunswick at the Canadian border, linking major
> cities of the Atlantic coast in the USA, is now accurate and fully updated
> in OSM.  7270 kilometers of route and alternate spurs now faithfully render
> in Cycle Map layer.
> It's been a fun few weeks getting it all correct and watching it happen
> (render).  National bicycle routes in the USA in OSM:  lookin' good!
> http://www.osm.org/relation/1774795#map=6/37/-73&layers=C
> Thanks and shouts to Eric Weis (at ECG), Andy Allan (for OCM) and many
> more.
> Enjoy!
> SteveA
> California
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