On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Reilly, Colin <crei...@doitt.nyc.gov>

>  I’ve also see buildings merged that may appear to be one building from
> above but are in fact two.

Do you have better imagery that we would be able to use? I think that would
help in this case.


> A single building cannot straddle two tax parcels. In general, visual
> information in NYC is sometimes not enough to warrant a change. Example
> below of a building with two separate address points sitting on two
> separate tax parcels that was merged when it should not have been.
> The intention of this email is to inform the group. I’m sure you can all
> imagine the challenges in managing data in Manhattan. Often multiple
> sources are necessary to validate changes.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3069855105/history#map=19/40.75931/-73.96838
> Cheers,
> Colin Reilly
> Director, Geographic Information Systems
> *New York City Department of *
> *Information Technology & Telecommunications*
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