Hi all,

We have an unprecedented (I think?) 12 candidates for the next US Chapter
board! Isn't that fantastic? If you haven't yet, please take some time to
check out everyone's statements, and feel free to get in touch with
individual candidates with specific questions and concerns. There's also
till the end of today to add your name to the ballot!

Here is the page with all the candidates one more time:

This page also has the procedure that we will follow for the elections.
Some highlights (but please read the details on the wiki!):
* All positions are up for grabs
* Nominations close tonight
* Voting starts this Saturday and will go on for a week.
* You need to be a fully paid up member to be able to vote. (Another
reminder email to those with expired memberships will go out shortly)
* All members will get an email with a link to a voting form.
* You can vote for up to 5 people

The elections will have two independent monitors, Michael Collinson and
Toby Murray. They will oversee that the elections are conducted in a fair
manner and will be responsible for tallying up the votes and announcing the
results. So you will hear from either or both of them in the context of
these elections as well, at least on this mailing list.

And here's the blog post with the relevant links to renew your US Chapter
membership (or sign up if you aren't yet):

Looking forward to the elections!
Martijn van Exel
President, US Chapter
skype: mvexel
Talk-us mailing list

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