
On Saturday, October 4, 2014, alyssa wright <> wrote:

> Hi all!
> I am pleased to announce that we are providing funding for an internship
> with HOT through the GNOME Outreach Program for Women. This is an
> incredible organizations with proven success in bringing more women into
> open source communities.
> If you know of any great women (of any age!) that might be interested
> please forward along details here:
> Team/OPM_Project_Ideas
> We hope this is the first internship of many, and that next round multiple
> organizations come together to offer scholarships. I encourage you to
> mentor and welcome these women into the community as you always do!
> Kate and I are here to answer any questions.
> Best,
> Alyssa.
> PS This by the way is an example of a contribution to OSM not measured in
> edits. :)
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