On 11/12/14 2:55 PM, SomeoneElse wrote:
On 12/11/2014 19:43, Richard Welty wrote:
On 11/12/14 2:36 PM, Richard Welty wrote:
i'm taking a look at them now.
i see tags deleted, and then restored by pnorman_mechanical.
so there was a problem, but it seems that it's long since fixed
(thanks paul)


Some of them were reverted but not https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/24646348 I think?

the highways were sections of NY 94 and NY 207, both of which appear
to be correct and properly tagged now. there was also a poly from
the NYS DEC landuse import that Russ Nelson did, part of the Stewart
State Forest, not quite sure what is going on there.

this might have been a changeset that needed to be reverted back then, but
it appears any damage is largely corrected now and reversion is no longer
in order.


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