On 1/12/15 2:00 PM, Elliott Plack wrote:
This is an interesting conversation. Since I'm on the east coast, I've never seen a bicycle on a freeway. Since I'm a bit of a road geek, I ask this very question of my fellow road geeks on our discussion forum. It seems many states have explicit laws allowing bicycles on the highway. Follow it here: http://www.aaroads.com/forum/index.php?topic=14452.0
in fact, here in NYS there is a class of trunk-ish roads
called Urban Expressways where bikes and pedestrians
are forbidden; sometimes it's posted but sometimes it's

they're unpleasant roads to bike on or walk on anyway,
but for bicycle commuters, sometimes they're the only
route. Washington Avenue Extension in Albany is a good
example. it's not explicitly posted so most don't know they
shouldn't bike or walk on it, but it's the only access to a
bunch of office buildings.


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