On 1/13/2015 5:34 AM, Minh Nguyen wrote:
It looks like most of the place=city/town/village/hamlet POIs from GNIS are tagged with 2000 Census populations in the population tag. These population tags allow renderers to label places with font sizes corresponding to population, which is a pretty common use case.

I had done a PR which would have added population sorting for place names, but as a style maintainer I'm interested in what styles use population for sizes.

I think we should consider a mechanical edit to update these tags to the 2010 Census figures en masse. I've been updating individual places as I edit them for other reasons, but this tag is most useful when its vintage is consistent across the board.
Although I somewhat like the idea of updating the population tags, I think we should give higher priority to fixing their tagging. When I did some cleanup of Washington place=city POIs I found that I ended up retagging most, deleting many, and only a few were place=city.

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