I find using an app like OsmPad useful when collecting address data. About as 
fast, maybe faster than, writing numbers on paper when collecting data. And 
much faster when editing in JOSM.


On Mar 9, 2015, at 11:06 AM, Peter Dobratz wrote:

> I've given up the dedicated GPS and/or pen and paper for data collection and 
> I do everything using the camera and notes application on my smartphone.
> All the pictures I take are geotagged.  I transfer the photos to a computer 
> via the USB port and then load them into JOSM with a marker showing where 
> they were taken.
> There are also smartphone applications to create GPX files, but this seems 
> superfluous for most things I map since recent high-resolution aerial photos 
> are available from Bing.
> Peter

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