The US Chapter of OSM does not have a Communication Working Group. It like to see if there is interest in starting up a group to service the interests of the US Chapter with the goal of increasing the visibility of OSM within the US. I'd particularly like to hear from people with communication experience, not necessarily just with OSM.
Having a CWG would also benefit us by helping to grow the mapper community. The more people hear about OSM, I think the more mappers we will gain. For example, I try to email via OSM every new editor in our Meetup area. I don't know how much this has helped, but we now have over 300 members in our Meetup group. Unfortunately we only reach the segment of the population that has already found us. We need to reach a wider audience than those that stumbled on OSM. It is especially hard to reach women and minorities. That is where the CWG to make more people aware of OSM. If you are interested and have experience with communications, or just interested in helping, I'd like to hear from you. Clifford -- @osm_seattle OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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