On 3/25/2015 1:43 AM, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
Parsers are cheap.  Any parser worth using can convert 22m, 22 m, 22
feet or a variety of reasonable variants.
Humans are messy.  Forcing them into boxes generally goes badly.

 For a bit of history - having speed limits allow a fixed format of


made great sense for the same reasons. There was some pushback from data consumers and renderers. At least one person didn't like this at all. And nearly every tool which would render speed on reference maps or devices did not function for road maxspeeds specified in this manner until one or several revisions later - up to a delay of several years.

Parsers make this task simple, but in practice OSM data is processed by loading into a database and querying numeric fields as numbers. That process can be modified, but again it will take some time.

My input is to allow mappers to work with local units, but modify editors to add the feature of specifying in feet. The editor would continue to interface to OSM in the original units. This has the advantage of displaying any existing mapping to the editor in feet.

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