On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 3:13 PM, arch_a...@t-online.de <
arch_a...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've detected a user who damages administrative boundaries around Rapid
> City. I've tried to contact the user but I got no reaction. I've told the
> mapper that iD editor is inappropriate, as it has no built in validator but
> he didn't stop the edits.
> I want to ask someone from the US to take care of the case and to involve
> the Data Working Group if necessary.

> There may be also other damaged objects.


Pascal says: 302 project days; 117 mapping days; ... the last modifier of
28k nodes using Potlach and iD using 3,936 change sets.  In my book,
gm360st is a valuable young mapping resource more so than a couple of
broken polygons.  The last thing that I would want to do is involve the
Data Working Group.  The bar has been purposely lowered to include and
attract new mappers via the iD editor.  iD is gm360st's editor of choice.
There are a number of tools to correct these issues.  At this point in time
I wouldn't even follow the mapper and correct the problems.

The real question is how do you gently grow a young mapper like this
without alienating the valuable resource?

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