Richard et al.,

Thanks for starting an interesting thread. There do seem to be an
increasing number of projects that live outside of OSM proper but that
connect loosely with OSM data and services.

By chance, I proposed a panel on this general topic for the upcoming
SOTM-US conference. My own interest comes from public-transit data (which
includes lots of temporal schedule information that doesn't belong and
doesn't fit in OSM). Sounds like there are similarities to historical map
data, and how that's handled alongside present-day OSM data.

If any of you or others are interested, I'll past the proposal blurb below.
Whether or not the panel is accept, I hope there will be enough interest
for a BoF on this topic and ways to continue this discussion among those
who attend SOTM-US in person.



Proposal for a panel on peripheral data for SOTM-US 2015

OpenStreetMap is a giant datastore, with an extremely flexible data model.
Its API accepts all additions. But, in fact, not everything belongs or fits
in OSM.

Some thematic data require more advanced modeling than OSM’s simple tagging
scheme supports. To represent a building in full 3D requires a data model
that supports solids, and to represent a public-transit network or traffic
patterns requires a data model that handles space and time.

Other types of data come from authoritative sources and may require
cleaning, combining, and perhaps even legal review before they’re ready to
be added to OSM. For example, street addresses and trailheads.

Just as not every kind of data can fit into OSM, not every kind of data can
easily be extracted from OSM. Storing data outside of OSM proper may also
make that data more relevant to other users’ needs. For example, supporting
data consumption in mobile apps, or supporting data collection with
topic-specific editor apps.

We’ll discuss “peripheral data” to OSM, both in terms of technical
implementation and in terms of community impacts. If done well, data
projects that are connected--but not subsumed--by OSM can advance open geo
data. Let’s figure out together how that’s best done.

proposed participants:
- OpenAddresses [Ian Dees] - street address data
- Mapillary [Jan Erik Solem] - street-front imagery
- OpenTrails [Jereme Monteau] - recreational trails
- Transitland [Drew Dara-Abrams] - public transit


On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 6:17 AM, Richard Welty <>

> so one of the things from recent discussion that concerns me are
> perceptions out there about projects parallel to OSM that are designed
> to complement it, specifically OHM. here is an outline of the view from
> OHM, and i'm interesting in understanding why some treat the whole
> project so dismissively (note that i'm a little bit of a late comer to OHM,
> i've been following it with interest since it started but only just
> recently
> started contributing directly.)
> OHM was created because of the perceived desire to start handling
> historic spatial data and characterize temporal aspects of it. the whole
> idea is that we accept that OSM is not a good place for this data, so
> why not create such a place?
> it's a real database, using the OSM software stack. it's live, and you
> can pan around in it and not see much because it's pretty sparse.
> but you can go see historic building footprints and addresses in
> lower manhattan right now. in fact, we just set up a list of projects
> that are going on in OHM to make it easier for folks to see what's
> up:
> the short summary is
> 1.    it's real and operational
> 2.    there's stuff in it
> 3.    if you know OSM tools, you can join the party
> 4.    we just set up overpass for it, still tweaking it, but overlaying
>        interesting OHM data on OSM basemaps just got a bit easier
> a number of OHM oriented talk proposals were submitted for
> SOTM US, and some will probably make the program.
> i think the long term future of OSM will probably involve more
> OHM like projects to supplement OSM. my question is how will
> the core OSM community treat them? right now it seems very
> mixed.
> richard
> --
>  Averill Park Networking - GIS & IT Consulting
>  OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
>  Java - Web Applications - Search
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