On Saturday, April 11, 2015 02:45:45 AM Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Then I suggest posting to the imports@ list before you start, and not
> just to talk-us.
Er, I did post to imports, I cced to talk-us.

> I think you should perhaps drop the "name" tag for these superchargers;
> we don't place name tags on post boxes or phone booths or similar
> amenities either ("British Telecom Phone Booth South Bumfield"). It
> appears to me that what you have put in the "name" tag is not really a
> name but just a description?

Maybe a good idea, but the superchargers actually do have canonical names. For 
example, the supercharger at Harris Ranch is called Harris Ranch as opposed to 
Coalinga (Harris Ranch is a rest-stop restaurant).


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