I would love to see the ability to do parallel ways in iD. I have had to go back to Potlatch a couple of times because of this.


I'm a long-time user of Potlatch.  Every time since the new
iD editor was introduced that I have tried to use it, I have had
to give up and go back to Potlatch.  At first it was simply way too
slow.  It seems to perform better, speed-wise anyway, now.
I used to use JOSM to work on the buildings of apartment complexes, until
Java stopped working on my computer (still a big mystery with no fix).
I heard recently that a new Rotate feature was added in iD, so I decided
to give iD yet another try. I see the Rotate tool - nice.
However, I don't see any way to create parallel features (or Copy and
Paste as in JOSM). This would be necessary for my purposes, where
most buildings in an apartment complex are identical but oriented differently.
I would like to be able to not only rotate a polygon, but copy and paste
and then rotate the pasted polygon and move it to its correct location.
I don't see any way to do that. Is there a "hidden" way of doing this, such
as hot keys?

Be seeing you,

David J. Wisbey
GIS Services / Cartography / Graphics / Desktop Publishing
Tel.  720-282-3626
Email:  <mailto:yourvillagem...@yahoo.com>yourvillagem...@yahoo.com
I'm also on Facebook as "David Wisbey"

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