* stevea <stevea...@softworkers.com> [150817 20:08]:
> I am disappointed to see landuse=forest removed from the very 
> quintessence of what our wiki defines as "forest:" our USDA's 
> National Forests.  [..]
> [..] It does 
> not appear that a consensus is reached about this, as Martijn (and 
> what appear to be folks in the UK and Germany, largely) seem to agree 
> to remove landuse=forest, but at least Charlotte and I believe it 
> should remain.

Assuming we keep landuse=forest for the National Forests, what would
you suggest we use to tag the areas that are actually covered by trees?
And how should we render these so they can be seen as different from
areas without trees that happen to be part of a National Forest?


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