
   (resent from correct address)

   OSMF board has received the following message from a Regent Square
citizen, maybe someone here is willing and able to verify/fix. I'll make
the person aware of this post so they can follow potential replies.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Map boundary error
Date:   Tue, 25 Aug 2015 01:15:52 -0400


I apologize as I did not know who to contact regarding a mapping error.
You have the incorrect boundaries for the neighborhood Regent Square PA
USA.  Regent Square is one neighborhood comprised of four communities:
Wilkinsburg, Edgewood, Swissvale, and the city of Pittsburgh.  Your
boundaries include only the city of Pittsburgh portion of Regent Square
and I noticed the source is from their site. This is a common mistake.

The correct mapping boundaries for Regent Square PA can be found on the
Regent Square Civic Association's website www.regentsquare-rsca.org. The
RSCA represents the entire neighborhood of Regent Square - both
residents and businesses alike.

Regent Square is slightly different from the average American
neighborhood as it is comprised of portions of four different cities.
Some compare it to a village.  The RSCA has the correct mapping
boundaries on their website as well as maps of each of these four


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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