There have been analysis and strategy about fixing TIGER 'Deserts'[1], but what is the best way to manage regions that have been thoroughly updated to match TIGER, and possibly enhanced beyond that with local knowledge?

Background - An essential task in keeping OSM updated and relevant in the US has been to compare existing OSM data to the latest TIGER data and add new roads. This generally means adding the endless new streets for subdivisions or possibly a single new cul-de-sac development street.

The problem is that once an area has been completely synchronized to TIGER, what is the best way to update it in the future? The problem comes when revisiting a completed area looking for new roads. What if someone had deleted or modified those streets based on local research or knowledge? The old TIGER street shows up as a 'new' street, and there's no way an armchair mapper would know what to do.[2] The street or segment gets added back to the map and OSM becomes a museum relic holding old TIGER data unless someone knowledgeable happens to notice.

I'm starting to keep an empty way with a note on the old TIGER trace, but I suspect that almost no one has historically done this in the US.

  I propose 2 changes to TIGER challenge tasks -

1. Future TIGER challenges in completed areas should highlight only changes relative to the previous year, or 2010 and not treat all TIGER data as authoritative. Roads are sometimes accidentally deleted in OSM but those could be flagged by telemetry from Scout.

2. Focus on areas that desperately need alignment, but may not have even updated TIGER. Just aligning streets to aerial imagery will make the area usable by navigation systems. Admittedly since those areas are also likely to be low population, there may not be a payback for paid mappers to help.

This is not meant to be anti-armchair mapping but a way to continue to make better use of armchair mapping resources.


[2] In the past, I demonstrated OSM's local mapping advantage to a friend by comparing Skobbler's turn by turn to Garmin soon after this frontage road access was closed for safety reasons. Google and Garmin finally corrected their routing after some years, but OSM went back to the old days -

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