Harald Klems writes:
I would map greenways/bike boulevards as lcn=yes or, if they have a name, maybe as a lcn route relation. Other than that, I think it's more important to map physical characteristics such as stop signs, bike-specific infrastructure, diverters, and speed limits on those routes.

As a dedicated OSM bicycle mapping geek, I consider two major components we map to be infrastructure (each underlying facility, like highway=cycleway, cycleway=lane, others) AND a route if one exists. At a local level like these Seattle greenways, it seems sensible to do what Harald suggests and tag a route as lcn=yes on the individual infrastructure (cycleway=cycle_greenway) elements. You could also sensibly collect these into a relation tagged network=lcn if they have a name= or a number (ref=) as a route.

A nod toward "tagging for the renderer" hereby acknowledged, I don't believe cycleway=cycle_greenway renders at the present time in Cycle Map layer/OpenCycleMap (as other cycleway tags do: highway=cycleway as a blue dashed line, cycleway=lane as blue casings on the way, others). Still, one might tag cycleway=cycle_greenway knowing it doesn't render, and still also correctly tag lcn=yes on the ways or collect them together into a relation with network=lcn (if named or numbered) and get THAT to render.

There is bicycle infrastructure tagging and how THAT renders, and there is bicycle route relation tagging and how THAT renders. As you keep these considerations in mind you can both accurately tag as well as get a rendering that makes sense from those tags. Accurate tagging is more important than pleasing rendering. Again, I'm agreeing with Harald as he says physical characteristics (starting with infrastructure) are "more important." Yet, so are routes if they truly exist as named or numbered entities, so add them if they do. The "in-between solution" of adding lcn=yes tags to the underlying infrastructure (yet no relation with network=lcn) especially makes sense if, for example, the greenways are also signed with "Bike Route" signs but don't have a name or number.

I do hope that helps!


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