Sorry for the delay in responding to the thread I started...

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 4:15 PM, Russell Deffner <>

>  I am sure you probably know this, but maybe others on the list do not –
> if you’ve seen/heard of the cartoon “South Park” – it’s actually named
> after one of those geographic features described in that second definition
Great example that many people can probably relate to.  There is also a
"North Park" (on CO 14 West of Cameron Pass).

> ; this one:
> –
> which is my handy work, and no, it’s not ‘complete’ and yes it is a bit
> hard to define; but ask any local and they’ll know the general area that is
> ‘South Park’ the ‘flat part’ surrounded by mountains. I’m actually mapping
> the ‘interior features’ first (such as residential and smaller forested
> areas) before ‘stretching the park polygon over top.’
Nice work, and I am glad that someone is putting these "parks" on the map.
I have always considered these "parks" to have no hard boundary (sort of
like a valley), and so was unsure of how to map them.  I do think that
these "parks", along with valleys and a few other named geographic features
should be in OSM.

> I have the relation tagged with name=South Park and natural=grassland
> because in my opinion that is what is ‘most common’ as far as a ‘defining
> map feature’ besides the relatively – but definitely not consistent –
> elevation. However, now I wonder if creating natural=park or a similar tag
> might be better.
I don't know about "natural=grassland", by definition a "park" is "mostly
open", and that openness could be tundra, marsh or bare rock as well as
grassland. On the other hand I see "natural=park" creating confusion, as
people will start using it for recreation areas.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:54 PM, Greg Troxel <> wrote:

> I see these parks (e.g. Estes Park, Colorado) as sort of being
> geographical features like hills and sort of being (not necesssarily
> settlement-based) place names.   So maybe changing them to
> place=locality, and maybe also adding some sort of natural=flats tag.
 This seems to be a good idea until such time as there a better tag. Small
detail, "flats" should probably be "flat" to be consistent with other tags.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Steven Johnson <> wrote:

> I would think USGS might even be interested in some sort of collaboration
> to clean up all the GNIS points.
You have a great idea, however, they have an issue with ODbL  Very

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