On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Steve Friedl <st...@unixwiz.net> wrote:

> This issue has come up as well with the height of mountain peaks; those of
> us who hike in the mountains in the US know peak heights *only* in feet,
> but OSM seems to reflect this in meters; this is entirely unhelpful to
> local hikers.  Us locals think of Sierra Peak as 4050 feet, not 928 meters.
> The discussion was strictly informal, but I think a number of us liked the
> idea to support a unit of measure, such as ele=4050ft or maxweight=10t

I think it's time the US community considered running it's own tile server.
Not only could elevation be given in feet, but we could add highway
shields. This isn't a trivial task, but it makes sense to produce a map
that is more appealing to US users. Since we are about the only country
that hasn't seen the light and switched to metric, at least we could do is
make a map in imperial units.


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