I also echo the thanks to Tom Valazak for saying "yes" to this permission and to Martijn for asking.

I wish to remind talk-us readers that finding sites and data pools like this and asking and receiving permission is one of the most successful endeavors that OSM volunteers can do. It allows us to enrichen our data and engenders good will about our project(s).

The United States Bicycle Route System WikiProject recently was granted permission by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) to use AASHTO-published route data so OSM can enter accurate national bicycle routes directly from the source of their original publication -- the state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) that develop them on behalf of their state's People. OSM-US and this WikiProject are very grateful for this permission (and say so!) as using these data are a key ingredient of the growth of this project.

So, just another example of a very good thing to do for OSM, coupled with a corollary reminder:

Ask and you shall receive!  (Well, not always, but if you don't, you won't!)



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