While adding a business that I stopped at in Pine Valley yesterday, off of I-8 
in San Diego county at https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/32.8190/-116.5272 
<https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/32.8190/-116.5272> I noticed a lot of 
address points that give the city as San Diego which can not be true for this 
area. They all appear to be added in this change:  
<https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/3411425> by a mapper who has not been 
active for 3 years now: 

I am not local to that area so am not best to work on correcting this. And, in 
fact, I am not sure I know the best way to fix them. The house numbers and 
streets seem reasonable (at least the addresses adjacent to the business I 
added seem reasonable), just the addr:city tag appears wrong in this case.

Suggestions for improving this would be appreciated.

Tod Fitch
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