At least with regard to the ref tag on a way, there has seemed to be be a lack 
of consensus as to whether the state DOT should be followed or whether to use 
the postal abbreviation to prefix state routes. Different states are tagged 

I personally prefer the state code in the ref tag applied to the way itself, as 
it makes life easier on simple data consumers that don't deal with relations 
when there are ways that are on a state line or the more rare case where a 
given state's highway route is actually not in that state. (There is an example 
of this in far NE Oklahoma, where there is a multiplex of OK/AR routes on a 
roadway that deviates fully into Oklahoma for a while)

In relations, I thought the bare number was to be used in the ref tag, with the 
disambiguation being in the network tag (e.g. network=US:TX:SH, ref=60), but it 
has been a while since I've looked at the docs.


On November 5, 2015 7:47:13 PM EST, Sam Iacullo <> wrote:
>The current setup for Texas State Highway ref tagging (See:
>has already been some discussion as to what exists on the map (
>but this was based on the majority of relations being incorrectly added
>into OSM. As per the Texas Department of Transportation, the ref should
>"ref=SH ##" instead of the current "ref=TX ##".
>Existing documentation supporting this change:
> *
>If there is no opposition to correcting this tagging error, I will
>the appropriate page over.
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