On 11/11/15 7:31 AM, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 9:07 AM, Richard Welty <rwe...@averillpark.net
> <mailto:rwe...@averillpark.net>> wrote:
>     3) make the needs/requirements for growing out the shield rendering
>     well known to the community. issues that require some care would
>     include
>     a) svg files for shield types that are currently not represented
>     (mostly
>     obscure county route signage)
>     b) the mapping files for shield->route (again, mostly county routes as
>     far as i know.)
> Not quite sure what you mean there in 3b), the mapping of highway type
> is in the network=* tag, such as network=US:US for a US highway, or
> network=US:OK for a state highway in Oklahoma.
internally Phil's demo has a set of files which control which shield
images are actually
generated and specifies which routes they go with. one of the tasks for
any state
is setting these up (which i think was done for the state & federal
routes, but is not
done by default for county routes).


 Averill Park Networking - GIS & IT Consulting
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