Well ... the definitions are very fuzzy  (this is just so that you are
aware that there is potential for conflict): mopeds* are in general just
low displacement motorcycles, historically with pedals , but that is
typically no longer a legal requirement. For example there are scooters
that fall in this class. Mofas on the other hand, where the class
exists, typically have a requirement for pedals (adding pedelecs in to
the mix just makes things more complicated so leaving that away for now).

Obviously a moped without pedals is fairly dead when the motor isn't
running :-)


* just to confuse things in Germany it is colloquially quite common to
refer to any motorcycle as "moped" (even my 1300cc beemer)

Am 02.12.2015 um 10:13 schrieb Paul Johnson:
> On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 9:30 AM, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch
> <mailto:si...@poole.ch>> wrote:
>     I've changed the relevant tags to moped=no. Any opinion on if
>     mopeds would be included in "motor vehicles"? I don't think I've
>     ever seen a mofa in the states (I find people on Vespas in the
>     states already fairly brave) but what about pedelecs and similar?
> A moped would qualify as both a motor vehicle and a bicycle, which it
> is (and whether or not it can use bicycle lanes and cycleways) is
> determined by whether or not the motor is running. 
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