"Kiley, Jim" <jim.ki...@cityofrockhill.com> writes:

> We would like to make our GIS Streets available to Open Street
> Map. Upon inspection, the streets already look great so I know someone
> is performing the updates. How can we help to keep the York County
> streets as accurate as possible without actually editing on your site?

That's great to hear and thank you for offering your data.

There are basically two separate issues:

  availability of data and licensing

  doing the work

The first step is crucial; without it nothing can happen.   Then either
you or others can do the work, now or later.

The key step for you is to openly publish your GIS data and to do so
under a compatible license.  I would suggest public domain/CC0 if you
can, and it's also fine to request attribution (but it's nice if that's
a "we would appreciate" rather than a requirement).    See the MassGIS
for an example of available data under good licensing terms.

Then, edit the wiki page for your state to list a pointer to the data,
or post the link here.

Beyond publishing the data, you could analzye the difference between OSM
and your data, and perhaps spot check a few of the discrepancies in the
field (perhaps you have such good quality control and know the area that
you'll be sure your data is better).  Actually updating map data
mechanically is technically tricky (to avoid overwriting manual mapping
without manual review) and requires following OSM's import process.  But
anyone can publish info about what's wrong, and that's encouraged.  Even
publishing what's different as a list of things people could check, not
being sure which is right, would be useful.

You also might see if there any local editors who would want to get

If you do want to get involved in improving the OSM data using yours as
a base, you could propose a mechanical edit on the imports list.
Socially, it's ok to update data imported from TIGER that hasn't been
changed by a human, but you'll need to publish the scripts and process,
and sample outcomes, etc., for review first, and you should expect
people to be helpfully critical during that review.

You said streets, but publishing addressing information would also be

Also, I know you are trying to avoid editing, but if any of you would
like to sign up as mappers, and make edits where you are actually paying
attention to each detail, that doesn't require any special scrutiny
(other than license clarity on any source data you use).  It's only when
it becomes "running a program to change the database" vs "human editing"
that the bar becomes far higher.


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