Other than a question about one tag, GEOID, the .osm file looks very good.

If the GEOID is a persistent id from the city, I would recommend using
something like addr:id=GEOID (assuming the GEOID was derived from the
address id.)

When you import, it is helpful to use the address tags validator Map Paint
Style in JOSM to catch mismatch between street names and addr:street names.

In the wiki you said you were going to enlist the help of Virginia's
mappers. Can you explain how you plan to break the work up? The wiki
mentioned block groups. Are you going to use the Tasking Manager?


On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 6:49 AM, Jonah Adkins <> wrote:

> Hey OSM-ers.
> I'd like to propose an import of city-sourced GIS data for the City of 
> Hampton, Va.
> The City GIS Office has given the data / license for this purpose.
> There were only 5 building-type attributes in the source data, so i’ve done 
> some amenity classifying based on the structure name (schools/churches,etc). 
> All residential was attributed the same, so I will attempt to split out 
> houses & apartments based on building square footage.
> 59k Total Buildings
> 43k Buildings Addressed - 73% !!
> Conflation will be done carefully by hand, and attributes copied where needed.
> Github ->
> Wiki -> 
> This message has been cross-posted in Talk-US, Imports-US, & Imports.
> Thanks
> -jonah
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