On 1/7/16 3:12 PM, Elliott Plack wrote:
> Greetings,
> What are the current accepts best practices for determining where to
> "cut off" the coastline and to begin a river or bay type feature? The
> wiki seems to be in disagreement about this, and I've read chatter
> about switching to ocean polygons.
> Let's take the mighty Potomac River. It is tidal from the mouth to
> points upstream from Washinton, DC, yet at some point it switches to
> waterway areas and relations. Would it be appropriate to transition
> the entire river to a multipolygon and end the ocean at the mouth?
> Perhaps the whole Chesapeake Bay should be upstream from the
> coastline. Anyone ever try converting this massive coastline areas?
> What are the best practices?
the Hudson is tidal all the way up to Albany, so that doesn't seem like
a reasonable threshold.

tidal doesn't mean salt, by the way. it simply means that the water level
is impacted by tides. in the case of the Hudson, there's a standing wave
from the actual mouth of the river up to the first dam at Troy.


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