This was helpful, thank you.

> Generally it is recommended to tag boundary=administrative, 
> admin_level=<highgest admin level involved>, and no names (no county:left, 
> county:right stuff etc either).

Makes sense to me; I'll do this.

> Yes, that's what I would suggest. It would be nice if our tools allowed you 
> to simply make the Westminster *relation* an "inner" of Orange county and 
> thereby automatically do the donut justice but that's not supported by 
> anything really.

Ok, this didn't really work.

I tagged the donut hole as an "outer" role in Orange county - an outer within 
an outer - and the shared border shows "Orange County   Westminster" together 
on the outside of the donut hole. I would have imagined the OC being on the 
inside of the border.

What it looks like now:

I guess I should undo these experiments and leave it alone.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frederik Ramm [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2016 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Relations and boundaries


On 03/03/2016 08:02 PM, Steve Friedl wrote:
> I’ve been updating all the cities in Orange County California to have 
> fully segmented relationalized boundaries, such that cities sharing a 
> common border share a single way in each of their relations; this 
> eliminates overlapping ways.  It’s been very tedious but it's really 
> getting cleaned up.


> First: The individual relations – city, county, national forest, etc. 
> – all have full information tags about the entity, but how should the 
> way members themselves be tagged?

It is not necessary but may add clarity for people editing the data.
Generally it is recommended to tag boundary=administrative, 
admin_level=<highgest admin level involved>, and no names (no county:left, 
county:right stuff etc either).

> Within Westminster is a "donut hole" , and the Westminster relation 
> has it as a role=inner.
> Question: should that same donut hole be tagged role=outer in the 
> Orange County relation?

Yes, that's what I would suggest. It would be nice if our tools allowed you to 
simply make the Westminster *relation* an "inner" of Orange county and thereby 
automatically do the donut justice but that's not supported by anything really.

> It just doesn't feel right to have a role=outer fully within another 
> role=outer, but that's the only way I can think of to handle this.

Rest assured, when you hear Mathematicians talking about geometry, they will 
happily accept that an outer ring can be surrounded by an inner ring.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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