
I agree with Greg that this is a great start. Let us know if you need help
with the import merge workflow, as you have that as TBD on the wiki. In one
import I used an ArcGIS workflow to detect and set aside conflicts, and in
another we used a PostGIS workflow. Chunking the data up by district or
neighborhood is a great way to spread out the work.

For existing buildings, I'd typically leave them in place (unless the
geometry was really poor in which case I'd remove them) and just import an
address point (assuming that info was missing from the existing building,
as it usually is). Then, if you want, you can conflate the address points.

To Frederik's points, I definitely agree that adding source tags to the
buildings is no longer a best practice. Changeset tags are the way to go,
especially now that people can comment on your changesets. I suggest that
you add the website=* tag on your changeset and link to the wiki, e.g.



On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 12:04 AM Greg Morgan <> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Joe Sapletal <>
> wrote:
>> I’m looking for some assistance and support for doing a Bulk Import of
>> buildings with address information.  I’ve already assembled the data from
>> the source, but I need help converting it and uploading it and to build
>> community support.  I started a wiki page here -
>> it links to a couple of samples areas of the data.  One I’ve already
>> uploaded as a test at this location -
>> Any assistance would be great.
> Joe,
> That is some beautiful work.  I like how you are limiting your work to a
> small area.  How are you going to grow otherwise?  I like how you are just
> working on an area that you have edited.  That respects other mapper's
> work.  One change that you should consider is how to merge these foot
> prints with other mapper's work.  For example, I looked at one building.[1]
> This is your own work.  However, I'd find a way to preserve the existing
> way and nodes so that you change the features in place.  It builds on other
> mapper's work.  I also included a link to whodidit for your area.[2]  I
> have whodidit zoomed in but the map may take a bit to load.  What you are
> looking for are mappers in your area that may want to take part in the
> effort.  Whodidit is just one example and one way to find this information.
>   You may find that there are no mappers in your area that have an interest
> in this effort. If that is the case, then there are other mappers in the US
> that would like to see you succeed in a positive way.  They may be willing
> to pitch in as part of a community effort as long as you have diced up the
> data for multiple mappers to participate.  I think you should start with
> the US mailing list for guidance.. I believe mappers on this list would be
> more helpful than on other lists. As you refine your process and get good
> feedback, then you can move to other lists for the final import plans.
> I hope this helps get you started,
> Greg Morgan
> [1]
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