On 2016.05.25. 06:19, Bill Ricker wrote:

On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 5:18 PM, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org
<mailto:ba...@ursamundi.org>> wrote:

    In the American context, this is an edge case, big time.

​What is old is new again.

Officer housing at old Fort Hamilton (Brooklyn, the Narrows) were laid
out with a Livable Street design before that was a name.  (They had
service alley or mews in the rear and grassy forecourts. The officers
were expected to walk to work on-base in the 1880's - 1910's.) I am
familiar with this because my favorite (maternal) uncle's favorite
(maternal) uncle lived off-post/on-post in old Officers Quarters after
the base perimeter had contracted but it was still Officer country
(1928-1930) ... he lived on the eponymous ​Hamilton Way [1] which is
coded highway=footway [2] , which page on our wiki suggests
highway=pedestrian [3] if wider, and cross-references [4] Path Controversy.
(Per OSM, the house still stands.)

    ​​ I would lean towards livable_street, since there's no separate
    sidewalk, no reasonable expectation you're going to go more than
    cycleway speed, and the main entries to buildings are on it​

​While 'livable street'​
​is an Urban Design term of at for the concept in some areas, I don't
see it in OSM wiki or taginfo ? [5] .  OSM seems to use the similar
highway=living_street  [6]  for low speed limits, pedestrian as primary
but not exclusive, which doesn't seem to be the case in the
grassy-and-walk shared front yards shown by the original question on
thread here (but without Mews/alley in rear). The living_street examples
in OSM wiki appear to be extreme traffic calming to restore in-street
playability to 1950s suburban, 1930s urban level but still tolerate
commuter cars returning home and a UPS delivery through the street-ball
play, which is not the feature exhibited by original post.​

to give a different perspective, that looks like a highway=service from both sides, with a footway potentially connecting them. if desired, service=driveway could be added.

living_street in most european countries is an officially designated area with a sign like this :

it usually means maxspeed=20 km/h and giving way to pedestrians/cyclists (everywhere)

​[1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/5677149 ​
[2] ​http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway=footway?uselang=en-US ​
[3] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dpedestrian
[4] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Path_controversy
[5a] https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=livable#values
[5b] https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=livable_street#values
[5c] https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=pedestrian#values
[6a] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway=living_street

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