On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 2:54 PM, Bill Ricker <bill.n1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ​
> ​I see the attraction to including TZ data in the OSM, ​but the timezone
> definitions are in flux more than most political boundaries.

To the point it'd be easier to live map ocean tides or Arkansas River
routes through Tulsa rather than the mean shoreline, even in the US.  You
got the lower great lakes where two states leave timezones and DST as a
county issue,  it's complicated in the southwest because it's a tribal
issue, and while it's currently consistent in Oklahoma, there's legislation
to take Oklahoma off daylight savings time permanently, and conflicting
debate among various tribes on whether they're going to follow the state or
do the opposite regardless of what the state does this session (thankfully
it's likely the tribes would stay on state time).
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