On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 8:24 PM, Kevin Kenny
<kevin.b.kenny+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now that I'm done with the NYC DEP Watershed Recreation Areas import,
> I've got some bandwidth to spend on this cleanup again.

I've added a sketch of the plan on the existing import page,

Once again, the reimport will be only semi-automated, with new
multipolygons and tags being proposed over narrow geographic areas but
then stitched into the map manually. In no case do I wish to overwrite
any work that a mapper has done that still appears valid. I will be
discarding a fair number of armchair edits apparently conducted in
response to automated warnings about data quality, which really did
little to improve the situation.

The reimport, in addition to sorting out the tagging, will clear up a
great many awkward misalignments in places like
- where the Balsam Mountain and Pine Island Mountain units are
correctly aligned, while the Hunter-West Kill Mountain Wilderness and
Rusk Mountain Wild Forest are not. There are currently gaffes like
that all over the Catskills. The root cause appears to be that some
program in the pipeline - perhaps in the import, perhaps at the DEC -
got the wrong conversions among the New York East state coordinate
plane (NAD27) on which the state Department of Transportation
projected its quadrangle maps, the Zone 18N UTM (NAD83) coordinates
that NYSGIS now prefers, and the WGS84 coordinates (either plate
carrée or spherical Mercator) that are used in OSM. Since the
projection errors are not consistent from parcel to parcel, I suspect
that the error was at the state's end. It appears to be corrected in
recent versions of the data set. (It also makes most of the property
lines contiguous with lines on the Greene County tax rolls, which are
also available on line, giving the possibility of an independent
cross-check of the data.)

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