To be clear about USBR 11 in Maryland:  for source data, this OSM author looked 
at many things, including a combination of text-based instructions and the 
red-yellow-green lines published by Maryland DOT and OSM’s own data like 
Elliott’s tags to my FIXME tags.  This author also finds it prudent to mention 
now and again (including in this national forum, sorta like a PSA) that using 
Google data in OSM is not allowed.  As much as it might stink for a moment to 
say that, I’ll take the heat for having so many fingers point in my direction 
for saying it.  Again, please don’t copy from Google maps in OSM.  Peeyew, just 
saying it out loud feels kind of sour.  But that will linger just for a bit, 
it’ll blow away quickly.  Thanks, no offense, anyone.

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