
To my mind the tools and infrastructure should be catering to the mappers'
needs and not the other way around, so whatever reasonable requirements
this tagging scheme may impose, the OSM platform should be able to absorb.
Not my use of the word 'reasonable' --> in the spirit of OSM any scheme
should be the simplest it can be while being able to represent the reality
it means to represent.


Martijn van Exel

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 8:34 AM, Bill Ricker <> wrote:

> As a mapper and map users whose household includes a wheelchair user, I
> applaud the idea of routable curb-cuts and crossings.
> What is the DB implication of urban ways trebling in ways, nodes is a
> discussion that needs to happen - is this a real or potential problem?   Is
> it easy to extract/filter for uses that don't require footpaths ?
> ​
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