I'm forwarding a message from Joost Schouppe inviting local organizers to
attend and be a part of the Local Chapters Congress at SoTM Brussels.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: joost schouppe <joost.schou...@gmail.com>
Date: 2016-09-06 9:48 GMT+02:00
Subject: State of the Local Map at SotM 2016


A few of you are invited (or will be) to the Local Chapters Congress.
Others have sent a proposal for a State of the Map (SotM) talk which had to
do with local community building. Some of you got on the program, others'
didn't. I hope all of you can make it to SotM!

The team at SotM do consider local community building extremely important,
but with only so many time slots, choices had to be made. As a kind of
compensation for all the times we had to say "no" to a local community
talk, there will be a session with (potential) local chapters [1] and a
panel discussion on building local communities [2]. I'm writing you about
the panel discussion.

We're not quite sure who exactly should be on the panel, but it could be
you. The first thing we want to do, is to define what we will talk about.
We'd like some input from you about that. If you know someone else from
your local community who would be equally or better placed to answer these
questions, feel free to forward this mail. If you feel like there are more
pertinent questions to answer, please feel free to add those here.

A) What do you consider the most important lesson learnt in your own
efforts to build a local mapping community? What worked for you or did not
work when trying to expand your community.
B) Are there dilemma's or challenges you face about which you would like to
get other people's opinions?
C) How could the global OSM community help you? For example in helping with
the challenges you face. But also making sure the lessons you learned don't
have to be re-learned over and over again. Or in scaling up the solutions
you found (e.g. make a global tool for something you use locally).

Some questions about you:
- what country/region could you represent?
- will you be at SotM?
- would you like to be on the panel?

Thanks for any help in getting this session together!

[1] http://2016.stateofthemap.org/2016/local-chapters-congress/

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