So I’m back at it now that I have some time to get this building import going 
again.  I have a pretty good process for assembling the data to create 
buildings with addresses.  The buildings dataset has about 165,000 building 
polygons, many of which will have some sort of attributes before I release them 
for import.   Now, if I prepare the data for the task manager, should I just go 
with some random square grid or with some other predetermined shapes like those 
from the US Census that cover Dakota County?

What is more palatable, one of the options below or a predetermined square of 
some dimension?

Census Block Groups
Polygon count – 232
Buildings per block group
Range 32 – 2527
Average – 705
Median – 636

Census Tracts
Polygons count – 95
Buildings per census tract
Range 184 – 3704
Average – 1721
Median 1627

Census Blocks
Polygon count – 6811  (1517 have no buildings, those that do is 5295)
Buildings per block
Range 1 – 482
Average 31
Median 15

Any guidance will be appreciated


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