Oh, I should mention that the 'leisure=nature_reserve' is a concession to
current rendering practice. It is not inaccurate - all of the areas that I
tagged thus are in some way reserved for the processes of nature - but it
is imprecise. At such time as 'boundary=protected_area' becomes something
that renderers recognize more widely and treat in some sensible manner,
'leisure=nature_reserve' becomes superfluous on most of the areas. We might
then decide that a nature reserve is something more or less than a
protected area, but right now, the two are nearly synonymous.

I am extremely reluctant to remove the 'nature_reserve' tagging until and
unless there is better rendering. I've been waiting several years. There's
another political swamp there - protected_area rendering depends on
implementing hstore on the main database, which ties into a whole raft of
unrelated issues.

I mostly wouldn't care, since I render my own maps, but (a) I don't have
the resources to keep up with minutely updates, and use the main map
occasionally to verify that something uploaded as expected, and (b) I do
care that the main map show significant features that the general public
actually cares about - and large parks and wilderness areas are certainly
among those features.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 5:10 PM, OSM Volunteer stevea <
stevea...@softworkers.com> wrote:

> As someone who has been around and around and around with this
> (landuse=forest on National forests) for the better part of over seven
> years, I agree with Steven, Paul, Elliott and Tod here.  There has emerged
> a great deal of harmony and consensus on this topic, but I agree we could
> and should sharpen it up into a Best Practice.  The fact that it gets
> re-hashed means we need to do this, preferably putting the results into our
> wiki.
> I DID tag landuse=forest on National Forests, but the
> boundary=protected_area tagging scheme evolved since, and with wide
> concurrence, it is better than what was.  (The tags landuse=forest and
> natural=wood "devolving" into something which is now in a still-tangled
> "land cover" bucket should be solved, too).  I also agree with the "it
> always has been this way" sense that landuse=forest is something akin to
> (if not actually) "managed timberland" and natural=wood is "more like" (but
> necessarily so) "primeval forest."  OK, natural=wood might be tagged on
> second- or third-generation trees, but if they are now left alone and are
> intended to be left alone, natural=wood is better than landuse=forest.
> SteveA
> California
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