Bradley, in colder climates the difference is more than aesthetic. A lot of
these bike become unusable for people riding bikes in the winter because
they don't get fully plowed to the curb and then parked cars take up the
whole remainder of the lane. Admittedly, this often also happens where
there is a striped bike lane, but the paint seems to keep the bad parking
somewhat in check. Example, also from Madison, of painted separation
between bike lane and parking: You can see that
some cars on the left are encroaching to some extent, but it's much better.
But yeah, not sure what a good solution for tagging is.


On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 12:12 PM Bradley White <>

> > Hi all. Has anyone worked out a good tagging scheme for combined
> > bike/parking lanes? I'm not sure how common they are elsewhere but there
> > are a number of such facilities in my city.
> >
> > For reference, you can see an example here:
> >
> > Notice the bike lane sign above the speed limit sign and the cars parked
> on
> > the side. These are also accompanied with pavement markings indicating it
> > is a bicycle facility. In effect it's like a regular bike lane next to a
> > parking lane, but there's no stripe to separate the two.
> These types of lanes are relatively common in parts of northern
> California as well; since the physical space is still set aside for
> both parking and cycling, and the only difference is the inner line of
> paint (which is more a "stylistic" choice on part of the agency), I'm
> not convinced this needs special tagging. The tags suggested earlier
> are what I would use:
> > parking:lane:(right/left) = parallel
> > cycleway:(left/right) = lane
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