Brian M Hamlin maplabs at writes:
I have been working with 2D building footprints from LA and other counties here 
in Berkeley on a research project, using a PostGIS/GDAL stack and a libosimum 
tool, among others.. 
The project is broadly named  "California OpenData ECN" .. I am committed to an 
open data process. Not much more to say at this moment, but I am reading this 
and want to contribute in some way, when thats possible. 

Excellent!  How fortunate that talk-us has allowed this sort of broad-reach 
connection to occur; it's nice when we resonate on same or similar frequencies. 
 Brian's blurb about his technical stack (PostGIS/GDAL) exactly mimics how 
Kevin (Kenny) recently mentioned how he has approached similar Big Data 
projects:  "pour the shapefiles into PostGIS using ogr2ogr."  Nathan (well, 
maybe NOT Nathan...), that seems a decent initial approach to take to split 
apart the Microsoft data's Bay Area file of 3+million objects, a project to 
which I haven't the volunteer bandwidth to offer right now.  Brian, thank you 
very much for your participation and any continuing future collaboration you 
might be able to offer to help blend/merge these endeavors.  I encourage you to 
remain in listening mode and speak up when it makes sense.

The potential harmony between Brian's building data footprint project and the 
availability (I hesitate to say "early stages of a Microsoft data import," as 
we haven't even the roughest sketch of a project proposal, let alone a formal 
import proposal) bodes well for a future of California (and other places where 
the Microsoft data exist) building footprint data coming into OSM.  Somehow, if 
we keep the good intentions and good communications moving ahead towards good 
consensus, I think we can get there.  But again, it is a gigantic project, and 
it goes without saying once again that it must be done correctly within OSM's 
community (import) guidelines.

Very much in listening mode,

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