Hi Moira,

For understanding OSM and the editors, there is a ton of information
available online.
The Missing Maps website links to some tutorial videos:

And LearnOSM has details for everyone from beginners to advanced:

The Missing Maps website, on the same page as the materials about hosting a
mapathon, also has a directory of people who have offered to help answer
questions about organizing mapathons. You could search the list and try
reaching out to a few: http://www.missingmaps.org/host/#helper-map-contents

Good luck with your mapathon. Great to see more people getting involved.

All the best,

On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 5:16 PM, moira walsh <moirawal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm in StCloud, Minnesota.  I'm planning a Mapathon for April.  I need
> technical support, remote or on the ground.  Date and time are up to you.
> I need to decide on those as soon as possible, but have waited to ensure we
> can fit your time schedule.
> We'll be working on Missing Maps  http://tasks.hotosm.org/
> ?sort_by=priority&direction=asc&search=eliminate+malaria.
> Please,
> Moira
> --
> Moira Walsh MPH
> www.waterinanutshell.net
> 507 210 6420 <(507)%20210-6420>   Texts are O.K.
> My emails come to you from gmail, but I ask that you send mail to this
> address moirawa...@tulanealumni.net.
> It will always forward to whatever email service I'm using.
> I am not sure how much longer I'll use gmail.
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