On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 4:05 PM, Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com>
> The CONTRIBUTING.md file presumes familiarity with GeoJSON, with the
> specific schema in use to describe the map layers, and with a lot of
> subtleties that may be obvious to someone accustomed to maintaining
> the software stack, but surely are not obvious to the average
> mapper. When I look at it, I wind up mentally saying, "yeah, maybe one
> of these days I'll have time to tool up with all this stuff."
> I suspect it might be a more profitable use of everyone's time to have
> mappers like me run interference with the GIS agencies (with the help
> of someone who can speak for the project to answer legal questions),
> and to separate the tasks of finding out information such as what I've
> presented here from the technical details of encoding it in GeoJSON
> and testing with the various data consumers.
> I'm sorry if I'm sounding harsh here. I really would like to see this
> move forward. Help me to help you!

I'm really glad that Bryan brought this up and that you responded asking
for less technical instructions. I think that finding local imagery sources
like this is a really great use of people's time and is something that *can* be
made really approachable for non-technical folks. We're working on exactly
this for OpenAddresses right now – currently we ask that people file GitHub
pull requests to add data sources and want to make it so that anyone with
knowledge of an address source can easily submit data.

Collecting imagery sources in a similar way was my original thought for the
editor-layer-index, and we definitely need a more approachable path for
people like you who are interested in contributing.

I have a back-burner project to make it easier to ingest and Esri-based
imagery layers for use in iD and JOSM. I'd like to add instructions and
remove assumptions so that contributing that sort of imagery can more done
easily. I'll let you know when it's ready to try out.
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