A natural conclusion is to improve in place.  I like the way Steve says natural 
edges to split, as that might become where somebody in the future falls off at 
that edge with data in a better place, improving our map.  Post FMMP can get 
chewy ooy gooey, don't I know it.  Sometimes a chunk is worth editing around to 
"about right now, given what I know," sometimes it gets deleted as noise.  Up 
to you.  We are contributors who sign our work.

Good to share some history, good to share ideas of future growth.


> On Aug 15, 2017, at 7:21 AM, Tod Fitch <t...@fitchdesign.com> wrote:
> Definitely a pain. It took me a long time to alter (I hope improve) the land 
> cover around the Morgan trailhead and San Mateo peak. Trails, etc. were easy 
> to do from my Garmin tracks and satellite imagery but working with the 
> existing land use/cover was so frustrating I nearly decided not to touch it.

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