Frederik - I'll attempt to answer your questions below. This is part of the
effort to help in recovery efforts for hurricane Harvey and Irma.  My tasks
are using the Microsoft provided building footprints to hard hit areas.
There are two separate, but with common individuals involved. The US
community is working on tasks in the US while HOT OSM is working on the
Caribbean Island recovery efforts.

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 12:50 AM, Frederik Ramm <> wrote:

> could you share some thoughts about your general process with these
> imports? I notice that you seem to be working on a lot of them. - Have
> you forgotten to raise Tampa/Clearwater on imports@ or was the Corpus
> Christi one assumed to be a kind of template for all Microsoft building
> footprint imports?

I wanted to get the word out to the US community first. By now I expected
to have it posted to the import list, but i'm having problems with my cloud

> I'm unclear about the status. Your posting simply says "the wiki page
> for the import is available". What does that mean? The wiki page for
> Corpus Christi says "Pending acceptance", the "stats" tab on
> says "0% complete" yet the
> "activity" tab says "Glassman marked #233 as done about 6 hours ago".
> Was that a test edit, or is the import already started?

Task 233 was just a small test. ( and I forgot to use my import account)
 This task has relatively low priority since the major flooding was in
areas east of Corpus Christi. The 0% is just a rounding error. One of a few
thousand tasks have been completed.  I've updated the wiki page to remove
the pending acceptance.

> Do you have plans to prepare further regions for imports? Since you're
> not local to the areas in question (would it be fair to say you're on
> the other end of the country?), do you undertake any efforts to enlist
> local mappers besides posting on talk-us?

Yes we want local mappers involved. To your point, yes i'm far removed from
Florida. But I've been fortunate to have spend quite abit of time in the
state. Not only my travels for business but close relatives living
throughout the state. I even used to host a conference just outside of

> Do you have any statistics about who the participants in these imports
> are? As you know, the reason we're doing these "community imports" is
> that we hope to bring local knowledge to the table; do wo know if this
> works, or is it the same people (potentially from the other end of the
> country) that perform the majority of import tasks on each?

I can't answer that question unfortunately. Some of the mappers I know to
be very experienced and others less so. Where they are located and what
local knowledge they have is not information that I have access to. We have
a number of people volunteering to help with these tasks. Building imports
are lower priority task. Getting roads updated and working in hard hit
areas are high on our priority list. Texas is an interesting state - not
much open data and a government that likes to cut corners in my opinion.
What government data is available to help recovery teams is an unknown. We
have put out a call for locals to help with specific tasks, but I'm not
actively involved with those efforts.

> I'd also be interested in how long it takes for these imports to
> complete; obviously if we should notice that people add 10k buildings in
> an hour we must assume that the necessary diligence was not applied. --
> I know that when HOT apply their tasking manager they often have a step
> where a second person verifies the data added (or maybe just spot-checks
> it). Is that a feature that the imports you run also have? The wiki page
> for Corpus Christy says "QA: Validation: Use of validation tools in the
> Tasking Manager process", but I assume that just refers to usual
> automatic checks done by JOSM, not a second person inspecting the result?

The US Tasking Manager is the same version 2 of HOT's Tasking Manager which
includes a second person's validation step. It's one of the great features
of TM.  If you look at the tasks that are near completion, you can see that
work is being validated.

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