Among rather more serious problems (smoke from the Napa wildfires) Davis Senior High School is home to some Pokemon fans who don't like doing their homework. has been changed a number of times to a park labelled "Please let us drop tests Mr. Birdsall".

I'm sending this mail to the list on the off chance that someone here may know someone there - a quiet word from a friend would be a nicer approach than an "official" email from OSM.  What'd be great is if we can convert the mapper(s) concerned into mapping things that actually exist rather than adding fake Pokemon parks called "Hi Albert".

Best Regards,

Andy Townsend, on behalf of OSM's Data Working Group

PS: In case anyone wonders "why don't you just IP block them", some of the edits are from iPhones, so that wouldn't be an option here (and probably wouldn't be proportionate even if that wasn't the case).  Also, while some of the edits may seem to suggest the name of one student, I wouldn't assume that that person is a perpetrator - they may be just the victim of a kind of joe-job.

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