On 10/13/17 1:59 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
> Hi all,
> I haven't abandoned this thread or thinking about it. It has just
> taken me a while to read through all the diary comments + what is
> being said in this thread. I intend to follow up with another diary
> post where I try to collect this smart crowd's thoughts and
> suggestions, but it will probably not until after State of the Map US
> that I get to this. 
> In the mean time, I decided to test some of the ideas posted here on a
> real case: The part of Michigan SR 10 northwest of the I-696
> interchange: 
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/252973#map=13/42.5132/-83.3168 
i would concur that this is not a trunk by the conventions that most of
us in the US have
been using for the past several years. too many driveways at the very least.


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